Sociologist & Author

About Sandy To
Dr. Sandy To received her PhD in sociology from the University of Cambridge. She is a sociologist who writes and speaks globally about women’s partner choices on TV, radio, podcasts, keynotes and seminars. Her first book is China’s Leftover Women: Late Marriage among Professional Women and its Consequences and she has written articles for leading academic journals.
She has taught for nine years in the fields of gender and sexuality studies, family studies, contemporary Chinese society, and public speaking at the University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Baptist University and Hong Kong Metropolitan University.
Prior to getting a PhD in sociology, and then writing/speaking more widely—BBC, CNN, TIME, Financial Times, Telegraph, Daily Mail, South China Morning Post, Tatler Hong Kong, and others—she threw events and marketed products for a major fashion company.
Fiction writing and astrology are also her passions. She has a master's degree in English and Comparative Literature and is a writer of novels and a popular astrology blog called The Ninth House. She's now working on a self-help book based on the theories in China's Leftover Women.
She grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area, and now lives in Hong Kong with her husband and son.